We all remember the well-known political campaign slogan, “It’s the economy, stupid!” While the economy is important, there is one thing even more so—character. Character is getting as hard to find as a snow-cone in Alaska. But oh what a treasure it is when found!
This past week I’ve dealt with a lot of “characters.” You know, those people whose lack of character earns them the tag “a real character.” Before your eyes start roaming the sanctuary wondering who I’m talking about, let it go. They weren’t church folk. But characters they were.
Lack of character in someone with whom you must deal always burns you in the end. A person without character lacks loyalty, honesty, sacrifice for others and dependability. The wisest man in the Old Testament said that a person without character is like a broken tooth or a foot out of joint. When you need them most, they don’t come through for you.
That’s why a person with godly character is such a valuable find! My week ended in a brief counseling session with a young single lady. After discussing life in the dog eat dog single world, I found myself looking her in the eye and saying, “Whatever you do, place character at the top of your wish list in your search for Mr. Right. Is he honest and giving? Does he love God and go to church when you’re not looking? Is he good to his mother? Does he pay his bills?
When it’s all said and done, at the end of the day give me character. Because it’s not the looks, or the money, or the pizzazz, or the fame. It’s the character, stupid!
Pastor Jeff